Sun Sign Horoscope for August 2024

Buckle Up Everyone!

Hello!! Welcome to the Lion’s Gate Portal! How are all of you managing this turbulent time??

Do you feel shaky? Exhausted? Cannot sleep? Bad dreams? Anxiety going out of control? You are def. not alone! My advice- ride the wave.

And to help all of us through this intensely powerful energy shift, my friend

Rev. Rick Cempie has some insight that we can focus on to help us see the light at the end of the proverbial tunnel:

The following is an August Horoscope provided by Rick with a brief description about the intensity we are all feeling:

“Personally, following the effects of the Moon has been a big part of my life. Too, people have known that about me and have always felt safe to confide in me about strange occurrences and energies around the full moon. July of 2024 was particularly notable for the moon. Not only was it a type of Blue Moon being the second in a calendar month but it was also the second full moon in the same sign which is in Capricorn at this time of year. With both of those Full Moons in Capricorn they were stirring the same ideas to build something significant for the future. 

Individual Readings for the Signs

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